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Cataloxy Екатеринбург...Фирмы ЕкатеринбургaPRA International

PRA International, Екатеринбург

город Екатеринбург

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PRA Health Sciences

A leading global CRO, PRA is transforming clinical trials through our people, innovation and transparency. We serve clients across all phases of pharmaceutical and biotech drug development by combining therapeutic and operational expertise with local knowledge PRA’s commitment to excellent in research begins with our people. Our workforce has grown by over 25% since 2010 and now comprises over 4, 700 employees spanning more than 13 time zones and speaking more than 15 languages. It is our philosophy that the way in which we grow our business is to focus on our employees and as such, we recognize that successful careers are found within organisations that provide the support that employees need at work, as well as the benefits they require outside the office. PRA boasts strong therapeutic expertise in the areas of oncology, central nervous system, allergy and respiratory, cardiovascular, and endocrine disorders. We have spent the last 30 years developing a balanced roster of satisfied clients including major pharmaceutical companies, large biotech companies, and emerging companies. PRA offers a broad array of services that encompass the entire spectrum of clinical development, from filing of Investigational New Drug (IND) and similar regulatory applications to product registration and post-marketing studies on a global basis. Core services include: Drug development and regulatory strategy plans Phase I (first-time-in-man) clinical trials Phase II through IV multi-center (international) clinical trials Development and analysis of integrated global clinical databases Preparation and submission of regulatory filings in North America and Europe Long-term drug safety programs

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  Официальный сайт: www.praintl.com
 Телефон: не указан
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 Адрес: г. Екатеринбург, Свердловская область

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PRA International в других регионах:

Москва и Московская обл. (3)
Москва и Московская обл.
, Санкт-Петербург (Санкт-Петербург и область), Новосибирск (Новосибирская область), Екатеринбург (Свердловская область)

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